• Embracing the Environment

    Caring for the environment is a priority. We integrate sustainability, humanity, and responsibility into everything we do.

  • Formed by  Design

    We strive to create beautiful, functional products that can be cherished for generations. Our unique universe is shaped by collaborations with talented designers who bring their distinct visions to We Do Wood.

  • Ensuring Quality

    Quality means achieving our goals of creating useful, beautiful products and ensuring customer satisfaction.

  • Celebrating Craftmanship

    Craftsmanship is at the heart of everything we produce. Skilled hands bring together culture, vision, design, and material, creating exceptional quality and detail.

  • Hannun addresses the environmental impact of the furniture industry with handcrafted, sustainable, and durable products. Their mission is to reduce social inequality and promote a healthier planet.


    Hannun leads the shift towards responsible consumption, moving away from fast furniture that values quantity over quality. They aim to become the most sustainable home products brand in Europe.


    Hannun values traditional craftsmanship by working with small artisan workshops across Europe. Each piece is made by hand, supporting a fair economic model that includes everyone.

  • Planet

    Maintaining the eco system

    At We Do Wood, we are dedicated to maintaining and restoring the ecosystem. As registered FSC® and Tree Nation partners, we support reforestation efforts to combat climate change.


    By supporting climate-responsible organisations, we help create jobs, support local communities, and protect biodiversity.

    Landscape protection

    We are also members of Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, the Danish landscape protection organisation. This membership helps us protect Denmark's beautiful landscapes, environment, wildlife, and nature.

  • People

    Supporting Those in Need
    We care about people in need and are proud Red Cross Denmark business group members. Our membership helps the Red Cross remain present for those in need, both in Denmark and worldwide, during disasters.

    We are committed to supporting vulnerable individuals. We have donated to the pediatric ward at Aarhus Hospital and supported Danner, a Danish crisis centre for women and children, with product donations.

    We believe in the importance of education and skill development. At We Do Wood, we prioritise continuous learning and further education within our team. We also support young people's education by always having one or two interns working with us.

  • Product

    Accountable suppliers

    We prioritise holistic and socially responsible practices. All our certified suppliers focus on creating jobs and ensuring the well-being of local workers. Our local manufacturer:

    • Is FSC® certified partner
    • Uses renewable energy
    • Produces our furniture without chemicals
    • Incorporate leftovers into new products

    Conscious materials

    We Do Wood is certified FSC® C138925 / GFA-COC-003142-BK. We use formaldehyde-free glue and water-based paint or avoid paint using carbonisation and oxidation techniques. Our products are free from chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers.

    All our products are flat-packet to reduce our carbon footprint.

    Local manufacturing

    We design and produce our products in Denmark, ensuring high production standards and supporting local jobs.

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Our story

We Do Wood was founded in Copenhagen in 2011 with the ambition to combine Danish furniture craftsmanship with strict environmental principles. We use eco-friendly materials to create products that minimise climate impact.

Our journey began with a small, practical chair designed by Sebastian Jørgensen for his then two-year-old daughter. This simple design became the foundation for our current range of furniture. Regardless of the piece, our consistent approach prioritises functionality and seamless integration into everyday life.

Klaus Jorlet

"As a company, we are dedicated to raising the bar on all our social responsibility efforts. We strive to follow the Global Sustainable Development Goals and hope to inspire you to join us on our mission."

Behind The Scenes